Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fingerprint recognition

We just got a new laptop and my husband has been playing around with it and comes to me every once in a while to get me to do weird things: like sitting in front of the screen and letting it take 27 pictures of me, or letting it take 10 samples of ny fingerprints. So the next time I want to use it I sit in front of it and its little camera zooms in on my face and says "Welcome." Of course, most of the time it doesn't work, though according to my husband it just needs to take even more pics of me to always recognize me from different angles. When the face recognition doesn't work, it asks me to swipe my finger very slowly and it allows me entry into my own computer. This is what's keeping me interested right now, and it gives me a thrill every time because it kinda makes me feel like James Bond.

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