Wednesday, May 21, 2008


ANGELs Profile
Originally uploaded by EMIchiee
I went looking through Flickr and found pictures of bunnies that look exactly like mine. The black one, Lina, passed away a couple of years ago, but she's still part of our family (we have her ashes on our mantle). The light brown one is the baby of the family, though he is now 7 1/2 years old, which equals 75 in human years. I think he's pretty spry for a geriatric. His very controversial name is Jesus. It started out as a joke in college, but it stuck. If anyone if offended by it you can pronounce it the Spanish way and it doesn't sound quite as sacrilegious. I guess my dad was offended because he renamed him Sipriano. It is quite embarrassing when he goes to a new vet, they usually end up "mispelling" his name--he's been called Jefus a couple of times.

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