Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I like the fact that now I can go to just one website and look at all of the things that I am interested in. But at the same time it makes me feel quite lazy to just have everything at my fingertips and not really have to think much anymore.

It can certainly be useful to libraries in the same way that blogs are: by having all the information in one place. Patrons wouldn't have to go all over looking for various things on the same subject if the library organizes it all in one page.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fingerprint recognition

We just got a new laptop and my husband has been playing around with it and comes to me every once in a while to get me to do weird things: like sitting in front of the screen and letting it take 27 pictures of me, or letting it take 10 samples of ny fingerprints. So the next time I want to use it I sit in front of it and its little camera zooms in on my face and says "Welcome." Of course, most of the time it doesn't work, though according to my husband it just needs to take even more pics of me to always recognize me from different angles. When the face recognition doesn't work, it asks me to swipe my finger very slowly and it allows me entry into my own computer. This is what's keeping me interested right now, and it gives me a thrill every time because it kinda makes me feel like James Bond.


Originally uploaded by zabbyism
I find that using Flickr is pretty easy, as it explains everything step-by-step; however, I do find it to be unorganized and has information all over the place. Though I'll definitely be browsing through it and looking at all the cute photos.

Bunnies: Part Deux!

Sooty #2
Originally uploaded by markfftang
I don't know how to add 2 photos to one blog, so I had to do it separately.


ANGELs Profile
Originally uploaded by EMIchiee
I went looking through Flickr and found pictures of bunnies that look exactly like mine. The black one, Lina, passed away a couple of years ago, but she's still part of our family (we have her ashes on our mantle). The light brown one is the baby of the family, though he is now 7 1/2 years old, which equals 75 in human years. I think he's pretty spry for a geriatric. His very controversial name is Jesus. It started out as a joke in college, but it stuck. If anyone if offended by it you can pronounce it the Spanish way and it doesn't sound quite as sacrilegious. I guess my dad was offended because he renamed him Sipriano. It is quite embarrassing when he goes to a new vet, they usually end up "mispelling" his name--he's been called Jefus a couple of times.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Blogging in Libraries

Blogging makes everything immediate without any period of suspense. I believe that one way it could be used in libraries is as a forum for communicating basically anything between different kinds of people, be it staff, librarians, patrons, cooperatives, etc. It can also serve as a way to present up to date information to the public, as well as employees who may not be in the loop.

7.5 Habits

I find these to be helpful in that they set kind of a guideline on how to enrich one's own life through learning. It shows you step-by-step what to do and inspires and motivates. The hardest one for me to follow is taking responsibility for my own learning because it means that I have to make myself start the process of learning something without someone else leading me by the hand or pushing me into doing it.